Acetate-rayon velvet
Spray bottle of water
Rubber stamp (large, simple-design, heat-resistant)
Straight pins
You can use purchased strips of acetate-rayon velvet ribbon, or do what I did, and recycle an old velvet blouse that's been hanging in the closet forever. (Hey, I was never going to wear that blouse anyway, so why not make it useful!)
- Heat the iron on the wool or cotton setting. (Do not use steam, however.)
- Place the stamp, rubber side up, on the ironing board.
- Mist the wrong side of the velvet lightly with water.
- Lay the fabric right side down against the rubber stamp, so the wrong side (that you just misted) is facing up.
- With your fingers feel where the stamp pattern begins and ends, and mark those spots with a straight pin.
- Press the iron on the fabric, and do not move it for 30 seconds, then lift the iron off. (Try to use the part of the iron without steam holes.)
I've used this same process when trimming the edge of draperies for a friend.
Above, Laurey Glenn has photographed other sources using the same technique on lamps and throws.
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