You know it's hip when Pottery Barn introduces a chandelier (above) to create a Napa Valley style dining ambiance with recycled wine bottles.
The lighting fixtures (below) are great examples creatively-inspired upcycling with used wine bottles.

The lighting fixture at left even comes with a DIY instruction guide from Oregon Live. The three-bottle sconce (right) from Meyda has character galore.

Personally, I love wine bottles that have been upcycled to create simple hurricane tea lights. I have three that were given to me as a gift and use them frequently on the patio. The hanging hurricanes by David Guilfoose (above left) are similar to mine, while the footed tealights are sold at many outlets through The Green Head.
I am constantly forgetting to water my plants. It is 'survival of the fittest' at my house!
However, since I spotted these 'plant nannies' using inverted wine bottles filled with water, I may be on my way to green thumb status. Sold by Napa Style.
I've been searching the web looking for glass cutters and kits so I can try my hand at making use of the oodles of wine bottles that are lining my studio walls. The best deal I have found is Ephrem's Bottle Cutting Kit available online.
I want to harvest the used wine bottles lining my studio walls and take them from this ...
to something similar to the glassware by Bottlecrop that I found on Etsy ...
Or, maybe I'll make a table or shelf like these ...

I'm just a click away from ordering my glass bottle cutting kit. When I complete a project or two, I'll post pics.
I gave my mom a set of upcycled winebottle glasses for Christmas a couple of years ago. They love them. They're the perfect size for juice & nighttime water glasses.
with all the wine we go through here in France I might have to check out your glass cutting kit and make some stuff as well.
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