Friday, May 13, 2011

Let's table that idea ...

As a self-admitted foodie, I particularly enjoy dining (and sitting, reading, working, etc.) at a great table. If you are like me and everyone else I know, you probably find yourself gravitating to the family table when visiting friends homes, too.

So, what makes a table fabulous to me? It must be made of natural materials ... wood is my number one element, although natural stone (limestone, marble, etc.) comes in a very close second place. I like the bleached wood planks that top the wrought iron base in the photo above from Desde My Ventana.

I must admit I am drawn to a table that has oodles of character. In the photos above, there is no doubt that these tables combine both beauty and brawn with years of tales to tell.  The butcher block at left (via Oregon Live) is as handsome and appealing as any Saturday night date, and the rustic charmer at right (via Habitually Chic) seems totally at home in its modern setting.

The juxtaposition of rustic and refined is a perfect interplay in this dramatic setting (via Hub). Slipcovered chairs accompany the table beautifully and dress up the space for guests! I can just envision lingering conversations following an intimate dinner party.

I just want to sit at this table and snap beans! I can see generations of a family appreciating the beauty of this table and its benches while preparing heirloom recipes. This photo from Old Sweetwater Cottage places the table in the heart of the kitchen.

Have a seat, and I'll pour us some tea!